

The Payer Institution (PI) integration guides section provides information on different Bill Pay Accelerator features that integrate the Payer Institutions' systems. Bill Pay Accelerator has built-in services at invokes a handler for push notification and to integrate initiates integration with the PI payment services.

Bill Pay Accelerator notification service sends messages using push notification. Bill Pay Accelerator has already integrated with Google FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) for push notification. Detailed scenarios, flow and API is explained in the notification service section. PI may also choose to use their existing push notification system. The configuration has to be changed in Bill Pay Accelerator to point to PI's existing push notification system.

RNSID (Remote Notification Service ID) also known as a notification token is generated when a Payer registers with Bill Pay using their mobile app. Bill Pay Accelerator uses push notification to send this token. When the token expires, another push notification is used to resend the token. Refer to Notification token section for more details.

A PI can have its own implementation for payment services. A PI may support multiple payment gateways. Bill Pay Accelerator has provided an abstract Payment Delegate Interface that PI can implement to integrate with these payment services. Payment delegate interface is called internally by Bill Pay Accelerator payment scheduler if Auto Pay is ON.