SDK Integration Guide


In addition to Bill Pay Accelerator APIs, Bill Pay Accelerator contains a packaged solution of Bill Pay Accelerator Mobile App SDK to enable Payer Institutions. Bill Pay Accelerator SDK is a wrapper to Bill Pay Accelerator mobile API and is available for both Android and iOS.

Bill Pay Accelerator Mobile App SDK comprises of these following features:

  1. Registering Payer with Bill Pay Accelerator.
  2. Retrieving all the registered billers with Bill Pay Accelerator.
  3. Linking Request to a biller.
  4. Getting list of billers linked with a Payer's accounts.
  5. Searching through billers.
  6. Managing pending and processed bills linked to the Payer account.
  7. Managing payments against received bills.
  8. Sending notifications to mobile app for different payment and bill scenarios.


Please write to us at [email protected] to provide you with the necessary details.

Kindly use "Mobile SDK Guide documents" in the subject line and share the list of e-mail ids in the e-mail body while sending the request e-mail.