Edit Payment Request


Edit Payment Request functionality allows the payer to change their payment preferences at a payment request level. A payer may have provided preferences at their linking request with the biller but may want to change for a particular payment request without affecting future payment requests. Bill Pay Accelerator will keep the payment preferences provided during linking applicable to all other payment requests and will maintain another copy of preferences pertaining to this specific payment request with edited preferences.


Global & Local Payment Preferences

  • Global payment preferences are provided at the time of payment linking. Follow Update Payment Preferences for editing global payment preferences.

  • Local payment preferences are applied for a payment request and the below flow describes it.

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Payment Confirmation Advice Processing

  1. PI can change payment preferences for this payment request through
    Payment Confirmation Advice API
  2. PI can capture payment at the mobile side and sends status information in
    Payment Confirmation Advice API
    to inform Bill Pay Accelerator that payment is captured at the mobile side.
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The following steps demonstrate the Edit Payment Request user flow:
PI implements Payment Request Retrieval API to display the list of pending and processed bills.
When the Payer clicks on one of the payment requests, they can be displayed payment request details retrieved through Payment Request Details API.
PI can choose to display the current set of payment preferences and provide an option to edit them.
Payer will modify the preference and confirm. PI uses Payment Confirmation Advice API to submit the modified payment preferences.
In current example, payer has changed autopay preference to "Pay now". PI should trigger payment flow and call Confirmation API. PI has flexibility to implement payment capture flow before calling Payment Confirmation Advise API. As this payment request had early payment rebate, on successful response from API early rebate message is shown.
After early rebate message, PI can display payment confirmation screen with necessary details.