Payment Request Manual Pay


In this scenario, autopay is "Off" and a payment request is received. PI will be expected to implement a flow to capture the payment from the Payer, execute the payment and then inform back to Bill Pay Accelerator about the payment status. PI will extend Bill Pay Accelerator to add payment instrument/s, as Bill Pay Accelerator doesn't support any payment execution out of the box.


Payment Execution Flow

  1. PI will implement a payment instrument and integrate it with the Bill Pay Accelerator backend.
  2. Payer will select which instrument he wants to use in making that specific bills payment.
  3. PI will execute the payment of the bill through the selected instrument and capture status and transaction number.
  4. Bill Pay Accelerator will receive Payment Confirmation Advice request from the PI including this status and transaction number.
  5. Bill Pay Accelerator will verify if transaction ID in Payment Delegate Interface is valid and then stores the details in local database.
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The following steps demonstrate the Payment Request Manual Pay user flow:
Scenario 1 : Payment is successful
PI should implement Payment Request Retrieval API to display the list of pending and processed bills.
PI should implement Payment Request Details API to display payment request details screen. Here autopay is "Off".
Payer will be presented with payment preference screen.
PI can customize this flow and implement custom payment initiation flow. In this example, as card is used as payment instrument, Payer will be provided a screen to add the card details.
PI can implement other payment instruments like pay by account. Payment initiation is not implemented as part of Bill Pay Accelerator.
Payer should select Pay now option to submit the payment status information. PI should use Payment Confirmation Advice API to inform Bill Pay Accelerator about payment status and transaction number.
PI can choose to display the payment successfully processed message with necessary details.
Payer can either change autopay to "Off" or update autopay preferences.
Payer changes autopay to "Off".
Scenario 2 : Payment failed
PI should implement Payment Request Retrieval API to display the list of pending and processed bills.
PI should implement Payment Request Details API to display payment request details screen. Here autopay is "Off".
Payer will be presented with payment preference screen.
This scenario is manual payment attempt fails due to invalid card.
PI can show the failed transaction in the details view and the Payer can attempt to do a new payment against this payment request.
Scenario 3 : Payment is declined
The payment against a payment request is confirmed to the Biller but the Biller declines the payment.
PI is responsible for displaying details on transaction decline to the Payer.